Check the InfluxDB documentation on Home Assistant for the complete list of configuration. I feel like it polls initially and then stops. Thanks in advance for a short hint and support. Questions? Synology has a Docker UI. If things are good, you should now see in the top part of the window the graph representing contents of your query. Franky1 . : homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant, "http://localhost:8086/query?q=show+databases", "http://localhost:8086/query?pretty=true", The first service mentioned is the Home Assistant service. When you're done click the "Submit" button on the right. # The name of the bucket where the data will be saved. Such naming significantly increases risk of successful brute-force attacks, should they ever be attempted. Next, you can delete unwanted entities completely: Exclude the entity from being written to the InfluxDB again. Home Assistant is awesome but it lacks advanced support for showing data, especially over time. Fortunately there is a much much better tool out there (and it is for free): Grafana. I am stuck though with this error in HASSIO logs, Setup failed for influxdb: Component failed to initialize. Thats very annoying (and another reason for me not to upgrade DSM). If you are looking to add the full Grafana dashboards or elements of it directly to your Home Assistant dashboards follow my guide here. First, lets start off by adding the living room to this graph. I have a question. I have a feeling its a polling issue or something because the battery levels show after a restart of HA. 2.xx only - Name of the bucket (not the generated bucket ID) within your Organization to read from. Under Options select To the right to move the table inline with the graph. You can also configure it to refresh automatically. You are better off with a SQL store like MariaDB if you want to do that. The battery sensor or the Grafana charts? Check out some of our other add-ons in our Home Assistant Community Add-ons project. Now you can tweak things to your liking, create additional panels, queries and whatnot. Grafana can be used to read this data and display some very pretty graphs. These files can get pretty big over time, so well want to keep our long-term data somewhere else. It works! In my case I've got several temperature sensors setup in HomeAssistant. Where does the data for InfluxDB come from and where is it stored? HomeAssistant - Running in a VM as Home Assistant Operating System on one host - IP We now have a basic Singlestat added to the dashboard. FYI Influx is not generally used as a replacement for the main database but as a supplement. Btw there is one bug in Grafana which the team is pushing on InfluxDB about displaying no graphs for a queried time range if there was no value written to the DB. Home Assistant does the hard work of collecting data from all the sensors and aggregating it, we can then store it in the InfluxDB database. If I determine that the Supervised HA doesn't hold any particular benefits for me, I'll most likely migrate that to Docker as well in the future. Oh man, I literally set this up yesterday. Looks awsome, anyway to get this into a normal hassbian or is it only Remember to add your username and password if you set one up. Because of the amount of data Home Assistant is collecting, storing that data can become quite cumbersome. Seems like a permission issue which I am not sure how to fix. Sounds like an ever growing pool of data if no retention is set. If you followed my Docker instructions, youll find it running on port 3004, otherwise it uses port 8086 for non-docker installations. Then, other apps (like Grafana) can query the database to create visualizations. This will create a new query under B. Grafana needs a separate database in the background to load the data from. I decided to go with MariaDB in a docker container and this step should improve performance and make my SD card last a lot longer. I want to include everything and keep it forever there, waiting to be visualized or something. I chose docker/influxdb. This makes it easy to read the battery levels into Grafana. A sensor will be created for each query: Note that 2.xx installations of InfluxDB only support queries in their Flux language. February 20, 2020. Then I've got several other things configured for monitoring such as Synology NAS, router to monitor UL/DL speed and one or two other things that don't generate a lot of data. Contribute to bestlibre/hassio-addons development by creating an account on GitHub. Now for the grafana graphs. Defines a template to extract a value from the payload. You can use the data to refine what the temperatures need to be inside vs outside before the AC comes on for example. We'll be presented with the InfluxDB Web Interface. I am not sure if HASSIO supports this though. Needed with organization configuration variable. Section 5 - Verification of HomeAssistant configuration in InfluxDB. You could of course install Influxdata software yourself, but that is out of scope for this topic, Really cool addon thanks. Needed with token configuration variable. From the Display tab, on the right-hand-side under Stacking & Null value, select Connected for Null value. 2018-01-24 15:00:57,596 INFO reaped unknown pid 1578 I . This means that in a home scenario you'll most likely just have one. Watch your Home Assistant log files for any errors to make sure the connection to InfluxDB is working as expected. influxdb on port 3004 works but grafana on 3003 dosent give any response at all. Then use the new sensor.sonos_volume in your Grafana instance. Hmm interesting. This tutorial is going to outline how to add InfluxDB to the docker-compose.yml file and setup on a Raspberry Pi. The list of domains to be excluded from recording to InfluxDB. On the other hand, I wanted to have separate InfluxDB and Grafana, so that I could have both more control over versions (with HA addons, you're locked into what HA provides) and also simpler ability to use InfluxDB for some other potential thing in the future. And for helping others, here's my docker-compose that works on my Synology NAS (via Portainer): This is great. I'll be assuming that you've got HA running already and configured with some sensors and whatnot. The user needs read/write privileges on the database. Remember, you dont need to be running Home Assistant and InfluxDB on the same server, thats just how Ive got it currently set up. influxdb: host: 172.23..2. verify_ssl: false. SHOW TAG KEYS ON "" FROM " eg: C", Query template: Then you see all entities that are stored yesterday with the "%" measurement. Sets the default database for sensors, individual sensors can also read from a different database. Its useful for recording metrics, sensor data, events, and performing analytics. Tokens are (for our purposes) a replacement for user accounts. Hi, as many others (searched the forum, few requests with different information but all without a solution) I struggle to successfully define an InfluxDB sensor to be used in Home Assistant. See the official installation instructions for how to set up an InfluxDB . You can omit the include section, and Home Assistant will send the whole firehose of sensor data to InfluxDB. 2.xx only - Auth token with READ access to your chosen Organization and Bucket. See the official installation instructions for how to set up an InfluxDB 2.0 database. It contains all the information from this article and much more. Wow, once I figured out how to use a tenth of its capabilities, this thing is amazing! In my case I decided to only send data about all of my sensors. Which sensors do you want to show in the UI? You can create as many dashboards as you want and then import the same in Home . Expand Query A to change the query that is building the data. 2.xx only - Name of the bucket (not the generated bucket ID) within your Organization to write to. Now its time for the main event. After exploring just some of the data exploration and dashboard features available directly in the Home Assistant Community Add-on: InfluxDB, its enough for . For my own future reference and anyone looking to clean up data spikes over a specific time range, heres what worked for me: USE ""; DELETE FROM "" WHERE ("" = "") AND time > "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" AND time < "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss", Example if deleting all data on a given day: 1.xx only - Name of the database to use. We'll create a write token for HomeAssistant. For instructions on how to create a database check the InfluxDB documentation relevant to the version you have installed. While this may be what you want, it can have big implications for storage consumption, depending how much data your environment generates. Ill wait for this fix to bubble up to Home Assistant before I look at upgrading versions in my container (I try to live by if its not broken, dont fix it). This can be used to present statistics as Home Assistant sensors, if used with the influxdb history component. About Home Assistant. I already learned to do this for now (, but it also looks like you can set up notifications there based on any criteria, so could easily replace lots of automation I have. If all worked well your Home Assistant UI will boot back up and you wont see any error messages. Which can be limiting for some of the commands/flags you might need to set. How do I update Grafana and Influxdb? Enjoy your add-on, while I enjoy the brain juice. Strange, I am not 100% sure if this will work with HASSIO. I think you might have to extract these values out into a template sensor in Home Assistant. One with your username and the two new ones. It can also be used with an external data source. If you have installed InfluxDB on the same host where Home Assistant is running and havent made any configuration changes, add the following to your configuration.yaml file: You will still need to create a database named home_assistant via InfluxDBs command-line interface. Built with github pages Together with the fact that the HomeAssistant bucket exists, the InfluxDB is now ready to be used. In this case this is /var/lib/grafana Click on the "Port Settings" tab. In the mean time I managed to create the necessary database and users through the CLI instead so all up and running now. Seems like for influxdb its the same. Setting a coarser precision allows InfluxDb to compress your data better. After saving, I strongly recommend validating the changes by using the Check configuration button on the developer tab.